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VirtualTree Bugtracker
written: 16 years ago category: Programming Previous Next
Mike has just set up a bugtracker at Google Code for his popular VirtualTree component for Delphi. So, finally, all interested developers can actively participate in enhancing and extending this thing.
HeidiSQL makes extensive use of VirtualTree - as replacement for the normal TTree's and TListView's we had in old days. VirtualTree can display tree-like structures as well as lists, in all colors and flavours you can imagine:
Much more: it minimizes CPU and memory usage by strictly following the virtual paradigm (= just process visible nodes, nothing more, the rest is processed when the users scrolls to it). That means you can create millions of nodes in milliseconds. It has support for drag'n drop, custom cell editors (similar to plugins), images in column headers and cells, tons of useful events, and numerous other things you won't like to miss once you get used to them.
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